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Tuesday 26 July 2011

#100 - Tourist Eraser

TITLE: Tourist Eraser
SCORE: 2.5 /5

On paper it sounds like a good idea: Take a minimum of four photos with this app, then wait as it removes anything in motion (keeping stationary objects where they are) to eliminate any unwanted passerby's, cars, or anything else that doesn't belong in the shot.  Frankly, I wasn't too impressed with the execution.  First thing: if you're hoping to take some quick snaps with this for cleaning up later, you can forget it.  Your hands must be kept perfectly still; the more movement you cause when your hands shake, the greater the chance that the adjustments made to your photo(s) will look too clumpy, awkward, or pixelated.

RECOMMENDATION: There are a few technical glitches with this app, but none that I found impaired its use.  However, as I mentioned, I really can't be bothered.  If a car passes in front of my shot, I'll just wait for the lull and take...you know...another shot?


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