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Thursday 21 July 2011

#97 - Zombie Infection: Free

TITLE: Zombie Infection: Free (Lite)
SCORE: 5 /5

So the premise is one you've seen before: You're a rough & tough soldier, dropped into South America on a mission: to kill a lot of zombies...well, probably not, but you sure do run into a lot on the way.  Zombie Infection is a quick-paced, entertaining shooter.  Reminiscent of Resident Evil 4 with its over-the-shoulder aiming and mechanics, ZI comes at you with some very nicely handled graphics (for an iPhone), fun game-play, and seriously engaging zombie shooting!

RECOMMENDATION: The graphics are great, the sound/voice acting pretty good, the mechanics easy and smooth (as much as I played on the demo, anyway) and the lite version gives you a good taste for the game, if you're interested in spending the $4.99 for the full version (AppShopper + Watchlist)


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