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Friday 22 July 2011

#98 - Calorie Counter

TITLE: Calorie Counter: Diets & Activities
SCORE: 4 /5
COST: FREE (additional services such as blood sugar available through additional subscription costs)

If you've found yourself shopping for dinner while counting the calories, this app is about to make things easier for you.  Instead of peeking at the oft-tiny list of ingredients on the back of each package, simply enter your meals into Calorie Counter for a comprehensive list of calorie counts for each item and what that will mean for you based on the kind of weight you want to lose, gain, or maintain.

RECOMMENDATION: The list of foods in the calorie count is very broad and detailed, which is extremely helpful versus apps of this kind that just don't come with the required information to make them work smoothly.  Your daily calorie intake is also helpful to keep track of your health on a simpler basis, based on your goals and physical activities of the day. Not to mention that the whole thing is presented in a really attractive design.


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