TITLE: The Graveyard
SCORE: 2.5 / 5
Scoring this particular app was difficult. Though it may seem like it at first, The Graveyrd is not a game application. There are no villains to beat, there are no people to save, and no dubiously colored mushrooms to eat. Instead, we have what seems to be an elderly person simulator. Yeah. It sounds pretty exciting, we know.
However, The Graveyard is, in fact, a kind of short, musical story. It's meant to be immersive for the user, it's meant to have you identify with the old woman that you are slowly walking down the stone path of a black & white graveyard. It's an exercise in empathy as you listen (or rather read) the song as it plays and identify the weariness on your character's face with the events being described in melancholy song.
RECOMMENDATION: It will probably not please the majority of those that give it a try. It borders on dull if you are not properly prepared. However, think of it as an emotional experiment and you're good to go.
The artwork reminds me a bit of Silent Hill. I'm sure this app isn't of a creepy nature but somehow I feel a bit spooked.
It is a bit reminiscent in style, yes. And cool, another SH fan :) Same here, keep an eye out and you'll see an app or two reviewed on here that remind me of it...
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