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Tuesday 29 March 2011

#7 - Cool Tip

TITLE: Cool Tip (Secret in Your iPhone)
SCORE: 3.5 / 5


There are plenty of 'iPhone / iPod Secrets' apps available on iTunes.  Most of them offer little in the ways of actual information you couldn't have gleaned from common sense (and most cost you cash).  Cool Tip offers some genuinely useful information and while it does re-cycle a few tricks you may have seen elsewhere, will still provide you with a few you probably didn't know about.

RECOMMENDATION:  You really don't need this application, but if you want to know how to take a screenshot with your iPod, how to quickly delete data or how to know if you have applications still running in the background, you really can't go wrong with this.


Anonymous said...

this is an awesome tip!!!! i am loving all of these :-) thanks for checking out my blog!!!

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