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Thursday 16 June 2011

#72 - KIJJAA! Lite

SCORE: 3 /5 

COST: LITE (Demo) - At the moment, the full version has been free on iTunes for some time. Don't know if this is a permanence or not, but I'd advise adding it to your AppShopper wishlist if you miss getting the full version.

Now here's a fun little game if you feel like re-living a blast from the past.  Download this app, hop onto a computer, then follow the instructions. Using the iPod as you would an old-school controller, marvel as you control this 8-bit, Atari-esque 3D Flash game.  Using the iPod's motion sensor for movement and two simple buttons on your iPod screen to shoot, the UI could certainly be no easier.  The idea is pretty simple: you control your little 8-bit spaceship and shoot down the oncoming enemy ships, monsters...and what appear to be some form of flying fluffy Q-tips?


RECOMMENDATION: The idea is certainly novel (at least for me, but then I'm slow sometimes) The game-play does take a bit of getting used to and could use a bit of smoothing, but it's nothing you don't get used to and certainly worth it for the charm.


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