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Friday 8 April 2011

#21 - Cam Card Lite

TITLE: Cam Card Lite (Business Card Reader)
SCORE: 1 / 5


Maybe it's just me.  Certainly the in-store iTunes reviews for this particular app make it sounds pretty good.  At the very least, these reviewers managed to get the thing operational, which was more than I could manage on my limited super-powers.

So it sounded good, in theory. Use your iPod/iPhone to "scan" (take photographs) of business cards while you're on the go and have the app automatically add all the relevant information from the card to your contacts.  Sounds very useful under some circumstances.  However, considering I could not get the thing working right, I can't really say.  Took a good bunch of card snaps and the "scan" failed every single time.  The app claims poor lighting conditions (tried it under several, if there is some ideal light condition for this app, it is not of this world), unfocused snaps (could be, considering the poor, poor quality of the iPod Touch camera), and complexity of card (again, tried with a variety--no dice) on its failures, but I call bananas.

RECOMMENDATION: The issues with this app could be limited to the iPod Touch.  Since the app depends on taking focused, clear shots of your card, then the crummy iPod camera would definitely put a wrench in things.  If you own an iPhone and want to give this app a try, let me know in the comments if it worked any better for you.


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